Simpli5 your Meetings Product Overview

Simpli5 your Meetings Product Overview

Have No Fear, Simpli5 Meetings™ is Here!

Introducing Simpli5 Meetings™, your one-stop shop for more productive and satisfactory meetings!

We’ve all been there, in the throes of a seemingly endless meeting that feels disorganized, chaotic, anddare I sayflat-out pointless. Are you experiencing meetings that often veer off track, are filled with disengaged participants, or are barreling towards an objective with no alignment or planning? Well, we hear you, and that is why we are on a mission to eradicate boring, pointless meetings.

Just as important as the purpose of the meeting is an awareness of the energetic pulls within it. Each person shows up with an approach to communicating and understanding information that is unique to them. Having an awareness of these differences ahead of time can greatly increase the success (productivity) and satisfaction (enjoyment) of your meetings.

By simply including on the meeting invite, you will receive an email with curated content specific to you as the host as well as the participants in the meeting. Here, you will see a few quick tips about your energy and those of your participants and what to be aware of as potential blockers to productivity.

Having this information in meetings helps you to anticipate where the natural energetic pull will happen and to head off spending too much or too little time in any of the five phases (Explore, Excite, Examine, Execute, and Evaluate). You will understand how best to communicate with your meeting participants by knowing what they are listening for and what is most important to them.

Having this common language will also let you evaluate the effectiveness of your meeting once it has ended. Did you spend adequate time in each of the dynamics? Did you meet your meeting objectives? Did everyone feel they had a chance to contribute and are satisfied with the outcome(s)?

With this simple addition to your invite list, you will receive a solid foundation on which to build a better experience for all.

Here’s to better meetings!
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